Become a Reiki Master / Teacher

The Third Degree (Master/Teacher)
Welcome to the third and final module to become a Certified Usui Reiki Master/Teacher
The lessons contained within this module cover the information and techniques you will need to know and master in order to teach others about Reiki and pass on the gift of Reiki to your own students through the attunements.
In a nutshell; the third degree consists of learning the master symbol, receiving the attunements, and learning and mastering the attunement processes so you can then pass on and teach the gift of Reiki to others.
Becoming a Reiki Master is not the end of the journey; it is only the beginning of your own personal and spiritual development. A Reiki Master; is not suddenly a better, wiser, or more enlightened person than anyone else, it simply means that as a Reiki Master/Teacher you are now able to pass on the gift of the universal life force to others. Hopefully, a person seeking to become a Reiki Master is already a kind, considerate and spiritually developed individual who is seeking to not only enhance their own life, but also the lives of others.
The third degree is a natural progression for those who want to teach Reiki. The more Reiki teachers we have; the more people will be introduced and drawn to Reiki. This is in our opinion – vital. The world as a community needs to learn to live together and come to realize that we are all connected and can live in peace and harmony. Reiki, like many other forms of energy work, can help heal some of the rifts and issues that drive us apart. The more people in tune with Reiki the better our world will undoubtedly become.
Reiki is a universal gift. It is built into our genetic makeup – our very essence of being.

We as Reiki Masters/Teachers are just tools (let go of the ego), just like the Reiki symbols, to be used to enhance and proliferate this natural healing method and way of life.

What Can I do as a REIKI MASTER
With REIKI 3, Master Level, you will have the gift of giving Reiki Attunements and Initiations to others after 6 months of practicing with it. You will be able to offer other people the ability to give Reiki and become the Teacher.

Learning Reiki
Stephanie is a Reiki Master, thus she is able to offeryou attunements and initiatons into Reiki. There are three levels of Reiki; Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Master level. Once attuned, Reiki is easy to use and your ability to tap into this source will always be a tool for you.

If You are signing up for this course, you need to already have Certification in REIKI 1 and REIKI 2, having practiced REIKI 2 for at least 6 months.

– Release old negative behaviour patterns, and subconscious belief systems.
– Heal old emotional wounds and traumas.
– Connects you with your deepest inner truth, with your divine nature.
– Boosts confidence and awareness, and trust in yourself.
– Brings you to a deep inner peace.
– Eliminate toxins and stress and boost the immune system
– Clears and energises one Chakras and energy system
– A fundamental shift in your outlook
– Powerful insights occur during sessions that bring about rapid change in one’s life.
– Reawaken intuition, innocence and passion

350 $
(300 $ for early bird, concession and single parents)
No Refunds but change of name acceptable ♥