“Tantra is about truly loving and embracing all of life, and through this love remembering our essence, the divine. Tantra is a life path.” – Osho
Tantra comes from the ancient Sanskrit word “tan” literally translates as to stretch or expand, and “tra” which means liberation. Tantra is the ancient spiritual practice of liberation through expanding consciousness. it is spirituality that is rooted in the body, the connection between meditation and sensuality. It is not about sex as people think, but rather it is a path to connect to the Divine through specific yogic practices to awaken all of the senses and move beyond duality. Pleasure, pain, joy, love, anger, passion and compassion are parts of the tantric path, seeking to find balance within the divine sacred feminine and the sacred masculine, balancing and reconnecting ot the Yin and Yang of the entire universe. Its a practice of opening oneself to experience a deep connection with nature and honor the divine Shakti energy that animates all life. Its about saying yes to ones own sacred temple, your body as an embodiment of the divine.
There are 7 main principles within Tantra; Surrender, Awareness, Movement, Breath, Sound, Intention and Acceptance. Surrendering to pleasure, releasing control, with confidence that you are acting out the wishes of the divine / universal. It is by letting go we allow our views to be stretched, so that decisions based on habitual responses such as fear may be changed, allowing growth. Surrender is also concerned with self appreciation, how incredible we truly are on all levels. Awareness and surrender go hand in hand; awareness allows us to awaken to every instant, being present in each moment to experience the vividness it has to offer. To develop inner trust to let go, knowing we are aware of the consequence of our actions. Awareness of each movement allows elegance and ease, as movement in the body also moves the energy.
Ajna has a deep connection to meditation and developed further into Tantra with such a firm base. From the first moment she felt the divine connection through the liberation from duality into Oneness in tantra, she chose to take and share this path. Her knowledge comes from Agama tantric yoga, ISTA (International School of Temple Arts), from many masters, and from her own intuitive connection with breath and connection to the higher self. She holds a safe space for men and women to let go, bringing awareness to the Kundalini life force energy and a tingling deep sensitivity their life force energy.
Benefits of a Tantra session
Demystify the ancient arts of Tantra
Kundalini awakening
Rekindle the passion trust and respect in your humanity and relationships
Learn breathing techniques to have longer and more pleasurable sex
Sacred Ceremonies to honor the Masculine and Feminine within all of life
Awaken sensations o pleasure and empowerment in your body
Heal old wounds of separation
Release old habits such as pornography, masterbation, or negative body image
- Tools to uplift and transform and sublimate energy into life affirming ecstasy

“I am dealing with the contemporary man, who is the most restless being that has ever evolved on the earth. But people do become silent; you just have to allow them to throw out their madness, insanity, then they themselves become silent.” Osho
Osho Active Meditations have been scientifically designed by Osho over a period of time to enable us to consciously express and experience repressed feelings and emotions and learn the knack of watching our habitual patterns in a new way.
Many meditative techniques require one to sit still and silent. But for most of us in the Western society in this day and age, we have accumulated stress in our body-mind that makes it difficult. Before we can hope to access our inner powerhouse of consciousness we need to let go of our tension.
If you want to live a more fulfilled life, first you will want to know your potential, who you really are. Meditation is the route to that knowing. It is the methodology of the science of awareness. The beauty of the inner science is that it enables whoever wants to explore and experiment within to do so alone. Once you understand the steps, you walk the walk in your own individual way.
Stephanie offers each of Osho’s meditations – Private or Group Sessions
Dynamic Meditation
Nadabrahma Meditation
Whirling Sufi Meditation
No Dimensions Meditation
Kundalini Meditation
Nataraj Meditation
Mandala Meditation
Chakra Breathing Meditation
Devavani Meditation
Gourishankar Meditation

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